3,000 miles

Last fall the folks at Counter Culture lured me to Los Angeles to talk Parish Hill Cheese with a room full of southern California mongers.  A great time was had.

Killing birds with stones, I hooked up with Alex from Gourmet imports and spent a few days in and out of cars visiting some of the cheese shops and restaurants that buy and sell and serve our cheese.  

The afternoon ended at Craft with Chef Shannon Swindle.  We tasted Hermit, West West Blue, Doubloon, and Reverie.  We talked about milk, cows, cultures, and the relative merits of throwing heifers vs. bull calves.  He brought us beautiful bites and a lovely glass of wine.

In case I'd forgotten, cheese people really are the best people. Shannon sent a message that he and Rich would be traveling east and might want to stop by and check out the creamery...

They did!  We broke bread, tasted cheeses from the cellar as well as some blue and bloomy beauties from a Westminster Artisan Cheesemaking workshop, ate Parish Hill whey fed pork chops with chimichurri from the garden - brazen thing that I am, I actually cooked for a chef!  Both Shannon and Rich were on hand for the Hermit make, beard and hairnets in place, pitchers at the ready.   Can't wait to visit you in LA.

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where did winter go?


calendar cheese